Sunday, November 10, 2024

Start of a Five Parsecs from Home (1st Edition) Campaign


It has been a few years since postig here.  I have not been idle and in those years have gone through about 3 fairly different versions of 1d6 SFRPG.  There is a low priority post coming on them.  But as a detour, I have long wanted to do a 5 Parsecs campaign. 

I have finished playing six quick very small linked FiveCore Pulp Skirmish games using FiveCore Skirmish Pulp Adventures. (on my non-SF blog)  My plan was next for a 10-game (or thereabouts) Five Men in Normandy campaign and then follow that up with a 1st Edition Five Parsecs from Home campaign. I got a bit of a 20mm WW2 fix recently and also got too involved in looking at the 5 Parsecs rules and so started one with 5 Parsecs.  I am also obsessing over how to combine Classic Traveller, my 1d6 simple SF RPG rules and some 5 Parsecs stuff.  But that will be for a later day.

I used an Excel spreadsheet to assist in generating missions and determining pre and post mission results.

5 Parsecs from Home 1st Edition (5PfH1) rules commentary

I am using 1st edition as it uses the 5Core rules (that I like) and doesn’t track funds.   2nd and 3rd edition's many tables are tied into the combat system, have credits etc.  1st Edition is more streamlined that later editions – 1st edition has less chrome and so less to track!  I am also using parts of Every Star an Opportunity (1st Edition).

My main aim was to use the process as written as much as possible and to minimise any table changes.  As I play I may change some of the tables.

  • Converted the tables to 1d20 (most of them, even though d100, had around 18-23 entries) and tweaked some of the tables.
  • Removed all Unity references and all the Alien & Psionic stuff (wasn't very hard really) as my universe doesn’t have them.
  • Created a revised list of 20 talents (mostly based on the ones mentioned in the rules). 9 combat related, most of the rest gleaned from the tables and a couple that seemed useful for pre and post tasks.
  • Modified the weapon table significantly – weapons are aligned to Classic Traveller and 5Core Skirmish, and also less chance of the more powerful ones.
  • Armour became Classic Traveller armour (mesh, cloth and combat armour)
  • Expanded the characteristics of the enemies list (possible weapons, talents etc.) to vary them up.
  • Replaced the background table from Every Star an Opportunity with the one from Starport Scum.

For reference, here is the turn sequence I am using (note ESaO = Every Star and Opportunity supplement):

If travelling

  • Travel to another world
  • Roll starship event (ESaO)
  • Each enemy roll 5+ and they follow you, else remove enemies
  • Remove patron list

Assign and resolve tasks

  • Rest: Any characters must rest if injured. If all injured then turn is only one see the sights and no mission - go straight from see the sights to campaign events
  • Pick up to 2 activities, 1 if less than 2 characters not resting in party. No activity other than one see the sights if all characters resting.
  • Find Patron: One go only. New patron: 6+, +1 patron talent, +1 if use second activity. Existing patron: 5+, +1 patron talent. Patron may relate to faction.
  • Train: 6+ for one character to gain a talent; if already have talent, roll character event
  • Trade: can be selected only once.
  • Sell: can be selected only once. Sell one item to roll on the Trade table
  • Recruit: 5+, +1 recruit talent, +1 < 5 crew, +1 if use second activity. A natural 6 is a goon (no special, talent etc. Handgun or rifle)
  • Track down enemies: Select an enemy. 5+ tracked them down and may fight them as the mission
  • Repair: Repair a damaged or broken item
  • Gamble: See Gear loaded dice
  • See the sights: see the sights
After resolving activities, must do a see the sights if not chosen as an activity

Resolve Rumours

If d6 <= #rumours then on a quest.  Remove rumours. Quest type: SS (p49) or problems (EsaO)

Enemy mission

If not tracked enemy then roll a d6 for each enemy. On a 1 then enemy mission (more than 1 then random)


If not tracked enemies or enemy mission, or starting a quest (must do a mission if start a quest) then optionally not do a mission. Go to Campaign events.

Local travel (p62). An encounter is see the sights.


  • If enemy mission, then roll enemy mission
  • If tracked enemy selected, then roll tracked enemy mission
  • If on a quest, then roll quest mission
  • If patron mission selected, then patron mission
  • else roll opportunity mission
  • Roll enemy
  • Roll if faction related 5+ (more chance if patron = faction, ESaO) or if enemy = faction then yes
  • Roll # enemy
  • Roll enemy weapons
  • Roll leader traits


  • Roll terrain
  • Roll battlefield condition
  • If mission required target locations, select target locations
  • If mission has target object, roll target
  • If mission has target civilian, use character creation
  • Roll for who moves first    

Play mission


Successful quest mission: roll outcome +1 per lead

If lead: d6=1 travel to a previous location; =6 travel to new location (see p62 for planet travel); xxx = offworld milestone: after second milestone, next mission is final one

Fail patron mission: remove patron from list

If faction related, roll d6=1 +1/-1 to faction strength

Resolve enemies

If fought a successful mission against an enemy, roll 5+ and enemies defeated and no longer enemy

If fought a successful mission against not an enemy, roll a 1 and opposition is a new enemy.

Note: Enemy list is from enemies table.


Mission successful only

Enemy mission: no loot

Opportunity Mission: roll once

Patron Mission: roll once and roll once on Trade table

Finish Quest: roll twice and once on Trade table

Injuries & breakdowns

Out of action: roll on injury table + equipment d6=1 equipment KO

Suppressed: On a 6, as per out of action, else Ok

Campaign events

If no mission then remove 1 item/weapon from the party per character (paying for overheads)

Campaign event

Roll for faction wars (1d6 for each faction, roll under strength to be fine, roll equal or over and if all others rolled under then -1.  If 0 then gone, roll for another faction) ESaO

Settlement event, ESaO

Character events

Roll once for random character

Player actions

Emergency recruitment: if 0-1 characters able to take to field, may recruit 1-2 goons with handguns or rifles.

Other emergency, only if desperate: Pick one and on a d6=6: a weapon, reduce injury time, add talent, rivalry, friendship, patron, track enemy, repair damaged item

5Core Skirmish rules commentary

Well, when I say 5Core skirmish, the rules are based on 5Core but not the same J I cannot help but tinker!
  • I have converted the 1K1S results to 1d6 (I like rolling 1d6) and 3 results – pinned (no reaction fire, can’t move, Ok next activation), suppressed (no move or fire until rallied but if suppressed when already suppressed need to retreat into newer cover.) and KO (out of action).
  • To hide a figure needs to be out of LOS (e.g. behind a building) not just ducking down. A figure ducking down can still be fired at but can’t be knocked out, just suppressed (unless with 6” then possibly KO). This stems out of some conversations with Just Jack on how he plays 5MiN (in the comments).
  • A figure can react fire if fired on and it missed, or if a figure moves into LOS as per the rules. If a figure reaction fires they can still be activated next turn. This is similar to FiveCore Company Command. It makes it easier to play the game and one less marker!

Table size and figures

Table size will vary from 12”x12” to 2’x2’ depending on what feels right for the mission.  Terrain generation will be for 5 location - a 2x2 grid with a central terrain type as well.

Figures are 20mm and I am using WW2 Russian and partisan figures as they look a little futuristic pulp-ish gang-ish.   

To show pinned and suppressed I use little grass-like tufts – one for pinned, two for suppressed.

Final Comment

That is about enough for an intro.  I have already done half a dozen campaign turns so will start posting them.  Some people are really good at turning a campaign turn into an interesting narrative; I am not that great, and also don’t have enough time to do that.  The actual battles do not take long as I start with (spoiler) only one party member.  I will change the output into something more readable though.


  1. Interesting design and set-up comments. Funnily enough, I have also stuck with the more streamlined 1e of 5 Leagues rather than the more chrome-y 2e or 3e (which I own); no great thought on my part, it is just what I naturally reach for! Rules overhead seems to be at least somewhat semi-consciously off-putting for the solo player...

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I have used 5Parsecs 2nd edition in the past but have come to realise it has just a bit too much to track and a lot of things to roll for little gain (in narrative). 5 Leagues 1st edition I am assuming would be just the same.
