Playing a Five Parsecs From Home 1st edition campaign. Starting with one party member. No aliens, no psionics.
Week 3
Inventory: pistol, rifle, autorifle, jump belt, nano-doc.
Enemies: Isolationists, Star crew
Chirsu trades (again!) and acquires a laser carbine. While Chirsu and Jayy are wandering and
seeing the sights, Jayy gets into a heated argument with a off-duty
trooper. Things get really ugly and Jayy
can’t let it go. (Met someone, failed a persuade roll and now it is a
chance encounter. This is not the
mission – the argument happened during see the sights.)
Chance Encounter: Defeat or drive off the other side.
Each side takes turns placing one figure on their half the table. Figures
cannot set up within 9” of the halfway point between the two table edges.
The enemy is 1 Trooper with a rifle, talent is sharp shooter
and wearing mesh armour.
Terrain – in a room.
Assuming that the argument happened in close range so made it a room.
First turn is the trooper.
The trooper fire at Jayy. Rolls a 6 and Jayy is KO.
Chirsu fires – misses with both shots; the trooper returns fire, rolls a 6 and Chirsu is KO.
The trooper rolled twice and rolled a 6 both times. Sometimes it just works out that way.
Chirsu would have got a mental scar from the KO (lose one
random talent) but Chirsu use the nano-doc to be fine instead.
Jayy receives a moderate wound and must rest for 4 weeks so
will not be around for the mission.
However Jayy did mention to Chirsu that bounty hunters were
searching for him (campaign event to add an enemy) and also provided him a lead
to an opportunity to deal with the cultists, one of the main factions in the
Mission is an Encounter (Defeat or drive off the other side. Each side takes turns placing one figure on their half the table. Figures cannot set up within 9” of the halfway point between the two table edges).
Enemy: 2 Cultists, armed with rifles. One has a blade.
Structure | Structure
Structure | Linear obstacles
Conditions are None: None.
Onc again the terrain screams indoors, converting structures
to a room and so just set up 4 rooms in a 2x2 grid and I rolled for doors.
First turn is Chirsu. I rolled to see if the Cultist stay together or split up. They start split up.
Chirsu moves to the door to fire at the 1st cultist, The cultist can reaction fire. Has a 1 in 6 chance of suppressing Chirsu. The cultist suppresses Chirsu, meaning Chursi turn has ended and cannot fire.
Chirsu is suppressed (two green markers)
The 1st cultist has a blade and Chirsu is suppressed. Both of these will give the cultist a very large advantage in melee. So the cultist charges Chirsu, engages in melee and Chirsu is out of action (the cultist roll a 6 to to make sure).
It is taking longer for me to configure the table than it is to play the game! I am thinking I may need to recruit to actually have a bit of tactical play in the battles. Although the narrative that is generated is great.
Mission outcome: failed.
No change to enemy list.
No change to faction strength.
Chirsu gains a light wound and must rest for 2 campaign turns. equipment
Campaign event. Found a bargain. Traded away the pistol and rolled on the loot table. Colonist rations: While they all tend to taste the same,
colonist rations basically last forever without going bad and are optimized to
provide the perfect balance of nutrition, energy and boredom. Rations last for
4 missions. Group may ignore effects of 1 Shock die per mission, chosen
whenever the player decides.
Faction: Bandits (6) rolls 6; Corporation (4) rolls 3; Cultists (5) rolls 5. No change.
Inventory: rifle, autorifle, laser carbine, jump belt, colonist rations (4 missions)
Enemies: Isolationists, Star crew, Bounty Hunters
Must lose an item to pay for the week (rifle).
Campaign event. Laying low for a while. All injured
characters recover as if they had rested for 1 more turn. Woo-hoo!
That was lucky.
Bandits (6) rolls 5; Corporation (4) rolls 4; Cultists(5)
rolls 4. Bandits and Cultists rolled under while Corporation did not. Corporation is reduced by 1 to 3 strength.
Character event for PC: Personal milestone - the character has achieved some sort of personal goal. If this result is generated a second time for the same character, they will leave the campaign permanently.
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