High Colonies setting

Some of my adventures are based in a colonised solar system in 2228, a variant on the 1988 High Colonies RPG setting.

For the last 20 years I been interested in a future solar system setting and not content with the published ones (e.g. Orbital, GURPS Terradyne, Jovian Chronicles). I on and off attempt to create my own setting but abandon them early on as they are not what I am looking for.  Recently I came across a description of High Colonies, an RPG from the 80s that is set in the near future in our solar system.  I bought a second-hand copy and while not perfect, it is good enough for me to use as a setting.

High Colonies RPG

A good review of the High Colonies RPG can be found here, with another description here.  It even has a Wikipedia entry.

Note this is the 1988 High colonies, not the 2020 Columbia Games High Colonies.  I do not have the 2020 version but the Solar System population is about 20 million compared to the 1988 version that has about 150 million.

High Colonies is mostly about the description of the setting. As the review points out it is light on with RPG mechanisms and also how things work in the future.  The good news is that the mechanisms seem to be loosely aligned to Traveller so it would be easy to run a Traveller like game using the settings. It also means that Orbital is a great resource on how things would actually work in High Colonies.  

High Colonies was published in 1988 when the Cold War was in existence.  It postulates a rush to space in the early 2000s by both Corporations and nations, particularly the US and USSR.  An alien race, not well described, enters to solar system in 2093 and sets up on Titan. A war on Earth breaks out in 2117 and Earth is rendered uninhabitable.   A right supremist movement springs up and takes over some colonies using grown short-ling Rem-Soldiers (aka replicants) but is defeated after a few years.  The year is now 2188 and there are about 150 stations (orbital habits and surface colonies) described with a population from 20,000 to 12 million.  Most are owned by an Earth nation or a corporation, but some are cults or societies.   There is a lot of tension between corporations and nations, and various “leagues” of stations.

Example stations
There are 163 stations with specific descriptions ranging from empty to 12 million.  It does state there are many other stations of less than 20,000 people not identified, leaving plenty of scope to create smaller stations. Of the 163 stations mentioned, 129 are > 20,000. There is not much detail on the stations – location, population, organisation and a short description. Here are some example stations:

Location: Earth GSO
Function: Colony
Population: 800,000
Organisations: HTC, CPL
Government: Multi-party parliamentary.
Attitude: Wary
Notes: Adler (Eagle) was built by Germany in 2118. Together with Lowe, it makes up the Republic of Germany.

Location: On Io
Function: Mining
Population:  4,000
Organisations: OL
Government: Military.
Attitude: Closed
Notes: A prison station administered by the Outstation League. Agony lives up to its name by being one of the most dangerous penal colonies in the Solar System.

Location: Saturn GSO
Function:  Colony
Population:  5,800,000
Organisations: OL, CPL
Government: Restricted parliamentary
Attitude: Wary
Notes: Bolivar was built in 2101 by the Pan-Latin Congress, an organisation of thirteen Central and South American nations. Each nation maintains its own sovereignty and elects representatives to the federal government.

Location: L3
Function: Colony
Population:  1,200,000
Organisations: HTC, CPL
Government: Multi-party parliamentary.
Attitude: Wary
Notes: Cook was built by Australia in 2071.

High Plains
Location: Jupiter Polar Orbit
Function: Colony
Population:  3,070,000
Organisations: Olm CPL
Government:  Restricted parliamentary
Attitude: Open
Notes: Built in 2123, High Plains was one of the “regional colonies” intended to alleviate population pressure in the continental United States. The colonists of High Plains were largely drawn from the American southwest, primarily Texas. High Plains declared its independence from the U.S. (as represented by Aldrin and Kennedy Base) in 2159.

These are most of the major organisations in the Solar System.  It is a summary of 8 pages of detail in the RPG.

Band of Humanity
Founded in 2194 is it is a collection of smaller extremist, white supremacist organisations.

Belt Miners Association
Created in 2172 it is a loose organisation of independent workers and businessmen in the Asteroid Belt; regulates prices and contracts.

Co-Prosperity League
Founded in 2122 to regulate space colonies and economic controls, it was a significant organisation for 40 years before the Earth Home War.  Structured similar to the UN with any organisation able to join and has light touch control over its members.  In decline since the rise of the High Terran Commonwealth and the Outstation League and currently under the control of the unions.

High Terran Commonwealth
Founded in 2167 its members are limited to nation states and wields extensive powers and the most powerful organisation in the Solar System.  In rivalry with the Outstation League and the Pan-System Enterprise League.

Independent Commercial Organisation
Founded in 2096 initially to protect its corporate members from the Pan-System Enterprise League (“The Seven Witches”) via its collective economic strength.   Tended to be outer system and has a major ally of the Outstation League.

Outstation League
Founded in 2168 to counterbalance the High Terran Commonwealth and it similar in structure to the HTC.  A powerful organisation with high military potential.

Pan-System Enterprise League
The oldest organisation created in 2060 by the “Seven Witches” (Seven major corporations) with the original intent to destroy organised labour.  While the aim is not entirely abandoned, the League is now use as price-fixing, information sharing and mediation between its seven members.

Solar Federation of Labour
Founded in 2063 due to the anti-labour action of the Seven Witches and wields considerable power across the solar system for organised labour.  Recently effectively took over the Co-Prosperity League.

Timeline summary
This is a summary of the 13 pages of timeline information in the RPG.  I have made only two biggish changes:
  1. The aliens on Titan never happened (I replaced the Titan station with a Korean station).
  2.  I have moved all the dates 40 years (it was published in 1988 and nothing postulated in the early years has occurred.  Rather than compress timeframes, I simply moved everything 40 years out. 

Otherwise it is good enough to use as background.  While the history is a bit naff, I don’t mind the idea of a very balkanised solar system.  Also, it is extrapolated from 1998 and the Cold War so the USSR is still large in the history.  So we need to assume that China ascendency slowed, as does their space race, and Russia space program continued apace.

Russia creates a moonbase, Japan advances orbital technology and orbital solar power generators are built and supply most of the word energy.

US and Russia build Earth and Lagrange orbital stations, Various nations and Corporations begin operation on the Moon.
GenStarr Corporation sets up a huge “space factory” in Earth orbit.  Others follow in future decades.

US and Russia build lunar stations.
Minor skirmish on the Moon and Syria/Israel could have escalated into a major wars but was both diplomatically averted.
 More nations build statins at Lagrange points.

Labour unions consolidate into three dominating organisations due to disregard of labour laws in space.
Larger (>200,000 population) orbital stations built.
European Union launch Daedelus starship to Bernard’s Star.
Argentina rivals Brazil for dominance in South America.
Advanced interplanetary engines built, reducing travel times and opening up Jupiter and beyond to affordability.

Increasing mining at Mars and the asteroids.  Seven corporations have a stranglehold on mining and nicknamed “The Seven Witches”. 
The Seven Witches for the Pan-System Enterprise League (PSEL) aimed at destroying organised labour in space. The three major labour unions form the Solar Federation on Labour.  A major strike in a LEC factory station is met with force by Genstarr with thousands of casualties.
Xanadu (entertainment and gambling) built in Earth orbit by Adam Stembridge Associates.
Very large (able to house more than three million population) orbital stations built.
Many “Captive Labour Stations” built where nations sign with corporations to supply penal labour, leading to gross abuse.

Three year Corporation War between GenStarr and LEC achieves little.
Over the next 20 years, orbital stations are affordable to build and many nations take advantage to build their own.  Colonists flood into space.

The Seven Witches announce independence from Earth law.  The Twenty Minute war occurs when US-Russian forces attack GenStarr HQ and the attackers are eliminated.
Following the Twenty Minute War, many colonies declare independence.
Russia launches starship to Wolf 359.
South American internal conflict.

Founding of the Co-Prosperity League (CPL) between most stations agreeing to various regulatory and economic processes and a Joint Peacekeeping Force.
Daedelus broadcasts from Bernard’s Star for 26 days and then is never heard from again.
Bio-Gens created - artificial sterile humans taking two years to “grow”.   CPL agreement to not arm Bio-Gens.

Terraforming of Venus begins
Starship reaches Wolf 359 and ceases transmission after 12 days.
Guinea and Liberia war involves US and Russia and the Seven Witches.
The ongoing Guinea-Liberian wars escalates and then deescalates.

Earth Home War.  Overnight nuclear, chemical and biological war wipe life from the planet. Economic chaos ensues but the colonies pull through, co-ordinated by the CPL.

National leaders “in-exile” form the  High Terran Commonwealth (HTC), similar to the UN but with greater powers and only open to Terran nations. CPEL continues to exist but with less influence.
Outstation League (OT) formed by non-corporate stations.

Inconclusive year-long Outreach War in Saturnian system involving HTC, OL and Adam Stembridge Associates.
First Ecumenical Council of all major religions.
Minor war breaks out between two of the Seven witches and Russia on Luna and in the Asteriods.  After four years Russia wins and the leader of one of the atrocity attacks, Carter, flees to the outer system.

Carter attacks stations in the out system and is eventually defeated.
The Outstation League and the High Terran Commonwealth sign a treaty to put their forces under joint command, and also take over the Co-Prosperity League’s Joint Peacekeeping Force.
Mercenary units spring up.
White supremacist Band of Humanity formed.

Band of Humanity discovers Bio-Gen reproduction, created Ram-Soldiers and goes to war against some stations. Commonwealth is slow to act, inferior Bio-Gen soldiers created in response and eventually Band of Humanity defeated attacking Korean Titan.
Venusian influenza spreads throughout the solar system killing approximately five million, especially bad in the inner stations. And then disappears.
Expedition to Earth finds some plant and animal life but no humans.

Unions gain control of the Co-Prosperity League.
Another outbreak of Venusian influenza occurs causing another one million deaths.

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