Saturday, August 17, 2019

Searching for advanced AI - a THW Future Tales adventure

I play through a short adventure using the Two Hour Wargames Future Tales (the SF version of Larger Than Life: Director’s Cut). I made some minor changes to the rules mostly in streamlining combat.

I recently played a game using Larger Than Life: Director’s Cut due to the MeWe Solo RPG Group Event for May “Try Something New”.  That post also has a lot more background on what I am doing.  I really liked Larger than Life and so my next move was to play Future Tales that is the SF version of Larger than Life.  This is the blog post you are reading. The aim is to then tweak FUT to continue playing Classic Traveller adventures (so far I have only done the four scenarios in CT 01 Kinunir).  For the FUT Game I have set this in the Classic Traveller Spinward Marches setting as that is the setting I will be using in the next few games.

I use a spreadsheet to automate many of the steps and dice rolls. About 90% of the non-dialogue in the game report is automatically generated. I did modify some to improve readability, almost all modification was adding dialogue for context, or more often replacing generated content with dialogue. I was slack in not adding this to the other reports as dialogue is such a really critical component of play reports.

Note it took longer to modify the spreadsheet to incorporate Future Tales, mostly as I had done no travel between locales in the LTL game and so I had to put that in and fill in the tables for the NPCs.  I also had more Confrontations and in my first game I had only one at the very end so just used the existing task system.  But for FUT I had to create a decent automatic confrontation process and a Will to Fight calculation.  This took ages.  And then I got distracted by other projects before coming back to this one.  It is long but it is a full writeup of a complete Future Tales adventure.

Chapter 1 - The team find a purpose

The story begins on Regina during the daytime on June 2219 with the team in the Spaceport area of the urban region.  The team leader is Lachlan Fischer with the other members being Dustie and Courtney Bel.

Lachlan Fischer is a Human Bodyguard with a high reputation and a thoughtless personality. Attributes include Genius and Smooth. They are armed with a big laser pistol.
Dustie is a medium-sized Robot Labourer with a high reputation and a stable personality. Attributes include Shy and Smart.

Courtney Bel is a Human Trader with a low reputation, thoughtless personality and is a Crack Shot. They are armed with a laser pistol.

Regina is an Imperial planet located in the Spinward Marches and a subsector capital. It is a normal sized world with a breathable atmosphere, some water and is at an agreeable temperature. The tech level is similar to 21stC, population is average and the law level allows no weapons. The government is based on a bureaucracy with a corporate society and a rich economy based on agriculture and industry. It has fuel, repair and ship building facilities and military bases. A notable feature is its strange geology.

The team need to recover an object: an advanced artificial intelligence system.  To achieve this requires around three clues and may take up to seven scenes to complete.

They are crossing paths with Curtis Solomon, a Big Bad Human Military Villain with a high reputation. Attributes include Crack Shot and Dim. They are armed with a repeater rifle.

Chapter 2 – The dangers of travel

“Hey, Lachlan, “ Dustie called out, “all out of luck with rumours here.  Except one.  It seems someone just back from the farms has heard about some high tech software smuggling occurring.  Might be worth checking out.”

“Ok, sounds like a plan.“ Lachlan replied, and then added under his breath “we don’t have much else…”

 To continue the team need to travel to a Rural zone of Regina. The team arrive at the Rural locale via personal ground transport. The tension level is low.

“So, Dustie, “Lachlan said. “What are we looking for?”

“My contact said it is a hidden smugglers base, probably in one of the small towns.”

“Then we better get started, it will be awhile getting there.”

To get closer to completing the objective requires the team to find an object -  the location of a secret hideout. The team realise they need to travel to the settlements area to find an object.

Ahead of the challenge, it seems the team may need to overcome a lot of possible complications along the way.

While travelling between areas, the team confront someone with a grudge: Christine Guerrero, a Human female ganger. Christine tends to be thoughtless and has issue with sneezing frequently. They have met before.

“Well hello Lachlan,” the droll voice intoned.

Lachlan stared at the woman who had called him out. “Well hello to you to Christine.”

“I see you are still keeping crap company these days?”

“C’mon Christine, let it go.  It was years ago.”

“Years ago?  Yes, years ago but you were the one that walked away, not me!” and with that Christine rushes at Lachlan with murder in her eyes.  Courtney is in her way and Christine manages to violently push her to the ground.  Lachlan and Dustie briefly scuffle with Christine who realises she is outnumbered and runs away.

Courtney gets off the ground and is clutching her stomach. “You know Lachlan, you don’t really have a great taste in friends.”

While travelling between areas, the team are jumped by some Big Bad minions. They encounter four people. The leader is Remington Barker, a Human male combat officer who tends to be thoughtful, the others are exotics. It is distinctive that Remington has distinctive jewellery.

As they charge in Remington calls out to his gang “Don’t forget, just rough them up.  A lot or a little – it is up to you!” and then to the team “Remember this as your first lesson in not crossing the boss!”
The team attempt to fire as the opponents charge at them.

Lachlan fires his laser pistol and Remington goes down.

Dustie and one of the exotics, Jace, fight it out.  Dustie is not doing well and runs away clutching her arm.

Courtney also manages to fire here laser pistol at another on the exotics who also goes out of the fight.

Lachlan quick reflexes allow him to turn his laser pistol on the last of the minions but only gets off the shot at the same time the opponent – Joslyn -  manages to land a heavy blow.  Joslyn is injured and runs away.

Remington and Vincent manage to get away before the team can get to them.

“Where’s Dustie?”

“I think she went that way.”

Lachlan and Courtney hurry down the street in the direction of Dustie.

They find Dustie, but there is no time for the team to recover from injury before they are attacked by three backup minions, just in case Remington failed. They encounter three people. The leader is Brendan Madden, a Human male mercenary who tends to be disagreeable, the others are exotics. It is distinctive that Brendan has an extra slim build.

The team shoots at the rivals as they rush at the team.

Lachlan draws his laser pistol, misses and Brendan lands a good hit on Lachlan’s shoulder.  Lachlan retaliates and manages to drive Brendan away from the fight.

Dustie’s melee opposition decides that running is a better option than fighting.

Courtney fires her laser pistol at the third minion who also decides to scarper.

“Can we not do this again?” Courtney voices aloud. “Please?”

But there is not enough time for the team to recover before their next encounter.

It is late hours in the settlement's loading docks. The still darkness reflects the lack of anything going on at all. It is here a trial to contend with appears.  They encounter two people. The leader is Jackson Buckley, a Human male smuggler who tends to be stable, the others are criminals. Observe that Jackson has a veiled face. They have met before. The team are being too conspicuous and enter into discussions.

“Lachlan, what the hell are you doing?” Jackson says.

“What do you mean?” Lachlan replies.

“You come into town, you wander around – it is obvious you are looking for something.  It doesn’t help that word is on the street that you are crossing paths with Solomon.  If I was you, just try and keep a lower profile.”

Yeah, what he said,” interjects Dustie.

Jackson finishes off what he was saying, “Anyway, just thought you should know that if you need a hand just ask – I still owe you one.”

“Thanks Jackson, will keep it in mind.”

It is late hours in the Settlement's park. The lights flicker as though poorly maintained and act as a comment on the current state of society. It is here the team face an ordeal. The team have forgotten something.

“Umm, team?” Lachlan ventured.


“Does anyone remember the precise directions to the secret location?  I know it was off the side street and second on the left but cannot remember what the camouflage is. Does anyone else remember?”



It is late hours in the Settlement's streets. No one is around but it is not surprising considering the lack of anything around here of note. Courtney is chewing something. At last the team are all set to undertake to find an object - secret hideout.

Despite forgetting the exact directions, they stumble upon the location of the secret hideout that gives them a clue to help recover the advanced artificial intelligence system.

The team find time to rest and recuperate.

Lachlan needs to recover and is now all fine. Dustie needs to recover and is now all fine. Courtney Bell however get worse – the blow to her stomach caused an internal rupture. At the hospital:
“How long?” Lachlan asked the doctor.

“Months, if she pulls through.”

“That bad?”

“That bad.”

With Courtney in an induced coma, Lachlan and Dustie cannot even say goodbye.

Chapter 3 – Interference

Dustie turns to Lachlan “We need to get into system space.”


Dustie has been researching on the Net for the last few days.

“I think there is a clue we can only really discover in person.”

Without a work of thanks, Lachlan says “Ok, let’s go.”

The team will need to travel quite a way to reach the spaceport.

While travelling between areas, the team are confronted by the ganger GE-E, a Medium Robot male dealer. GE-E is unarmed and immediately charges at Lachlan and Dustie. Lachlan opens fire
with his big laser pistol and shoots GE-E dead.

“Umm…Lachlan, I don’t think that was a great idea.  You are not even supposed to be carrying a laser.”

“Yeah, well he had it coming.  And there is no surveillance around here – why else do you think they went for us?”

The team arrive at the HighPort area via personal spacecraft.

“So, Dustie, what are we looking for?”

“There are reports of some strange items of clothing.  But strange as in very strange.” She paused. “The clothing is of a peculiar design and also has embedded digital threads. While not obvious, I believe it is very likely not sapient designed.”

“As in designed by…say, an artificial intelligence?” queried Lachlan.

“Yes, and the clothing has only recently been released so it could be a link to what we are looking for.” Replied Dustie.

To progress towards attaining the goal requires the team to find an object -  strange clothing. 
Looking at what is required to perform the challenge, it seems the team may need to overcome a lot of possible complications along the way.

It is early hours in the HighPort's Bar.  It is here a dilemma arises. They encounter Leonidas Silva, a  neurotic Human male corporate executive. They note that Leonidas has an obvious cleanliness fetish.

They have met before.

Leonidas turns onto Lachlan “Stop following me!”


“I said stop following me.  You never liked me, you are still out to get me for that nightlatch job.”

Lachlan did not need to feign surprise “Leo, I did not even know you were up here. I am an unrelated job.”

“Don’t call me Leo. And then why are you stalking me?”

“I am not.”

Lachlan is not convincing and a confrontation occurs. Leonidas charges at Lachlan and Lachlan pulls out his laser pistol.  Leonidas realises the futility of his actions and runs away.

It is daytime in the HighPort's apartments.  It is here a problem crops up for the team.  They encounter two people. The leader is Curtis Solomon, the Big Bad, a human male military villain, the other is Reece, an exotic.

Curtis talks as he advances on Lachlan, “Lachlan, you do not know what you are doing; stop now or face the consequences.”

Lachlan answers by firing his laser pistol at Curtis.  He misses.

Curtis grabs Lachlan and breaks his arm. Lachlan tries to retaliate but Curtis simply walks off, his point made.

Reece does not come off so well against Dustie and limps away with Curtis, blood dripping from a heavy wound.

“Come on Dustie,” Lachlan says through clenched teeth. “We should leave.”

The team failed to find the strange clothing clue.

Lachlan needs times to recover and after a few weeks is fine.

Chapter 4 – A trap

While Lachlan was recovering, they get a lead that the rural zone with the settlement with the secret hideout is also a possible place to find some secret plans that will help them find the AI.

They pack up and arrive at the Rural zone via personal spacecraft.

Prior to undertaking the challenge, it seems the team may need to overcome a fair amount of possible complications along the way.

It is evening in a Slums's Gang HQ. This place seems to have more people hanging out with nothing or do, or waiting for something to happen. It is here a dilemma arises.

They encounter June Mullins, a Human female transporter and a criminal. June has a veiled face. June interrupts the conversation that Lachlan and Dustie were having.

Lachlan manages to steer the conversation in his favour and bring June around.  Touch and go for a while as it seemed June was looking to stir up trouble.

Julie even manages to give them a tip: “Try the stadium, it may help you out.”

It is early hours in the Slums's Stadium. A crime is occurring down the street but too far way for the team to intervene.

“The quicker we are out of here the better” Dustie says.  She would have shivered if she was not a robot.

The team are searching a room when they hear a click.  The room has been locked!

“What is that smell?”

“I think we are being poisoned…”

Lachlan gets out his laser pistol and fires repeatably at the door.

“The door is reinforced – someone really wants the hidden to stay hidden!”

The door ends up being no match for the laser and Lachlan and Dustie manage to escape.

The team did not find the secret plans.

Chapter 5 – A clue at last

Lachlan and Dustie travel back to the city.  While on the plane, Dustie explains that some antique jewellery being studied at some industrial factories may hold a clue.

Getting to the factory was easier than expected.  It is late hours in the Industrial's Factory. The light and dark patterns provide an earie atmosphere.  It is here the team experience a spot of bother.

“How do we get in?” Dustie is looking at the imposing gates and high walls.

They begin to scour the walls looking for a way in.

Lachlan calls out, “Over here.”


Dustie peers at where Lachlan is pointing.  It is a small hole just below ground level and covered by vegetation.

“I knew there may be something like this,“ Lachlan says. “Small time thieves need to be able to get in and out with their stuff.”

“How do you know about stuff like that?”

Lachlan just grunts in reply and makes his way through the hole.

It is late hours in the Industrial's Offices. The background noise of machines floats through the air. Lachlan is mumbling quietly to themselves. At last the team are ready for the challenge to find the antique jewellery.

It does not take long. Lachlan finds the jewellery.

The team have found a clue to help recover the advanced artificial intelligence system.

Chapter 6 – Another success

The jewellery comes with some notes that indicate another secret hideout in a resort in  the rural zone.

The team arrive at the Rural area via personal ground transport. The tension level is medium.
Before attempting the challenge, it seems the team may need to overcome several possible complications along the way.

While travelling between areas, the team are challenged by payback from a romantic vendetta.  It is Ernest Jennings, a Human male thug. They cannot help but notice that Ernest has visible burn scars.

“Oh god, it is Ernest – the last person I would want to run into.”

Earnest charges at Dustie with violent intent.

Lachlan shoots at Earnest who runs away.

“Lachlan!” Dustie shouts. “we should get out of here!”

Lachlan nods assent and follows Dustie off the scene.

It is evening in the resort's park. There is a spot of quiet between the loud noises of different parties to either side. It is here potential strife emerges for the team.

The team realise they have differing motivations for continuing.

Lachlan attempts to convince Dustie while Dustie vehemently tries to convince Lachlan of why they should continue.  Neither budge from their original position.  The two of them continue but no longer as a team, just two individuals heading in the same direction.

It is daytime in the resort's stadium. Spruikers and speakers are promoting the highlight event happening later. It is here potential strife emerges for the team. They are subject to sudden darkness.
“What the-“ Lachlan starts to panic.  The darkness does not last long – probably a glitch in the lighting – but Lachlan nerves, already stretched from his argument with Dustie, are now near breaking point.

It is early hours in the resort's apartments. Tourists are everywhere; walking, gawking, buying and talking. This is the location they have been given for the secret hideout.

After much searching and the strain between the two obviously showing, Lachlan finds the hideout and gains the last clue pointing to where they can find the advanced artificial intelligence system.  But the clue also points that they only have a short amount of time to find it. There is no time for the team to recover.

Chapter 7 - The goal is within our grasp

The advanced artificial intelligence system is in the scientific area of the Space zone. The team arrive at the Space region via personal spacecraft. The tension level is high.

While travelling to the scientific area, the team confront one of the Big Bad minions. Lilly Hoffman, a tough Human female mercenary who has a disagreeable demeanour, not helped by her outlandish clothing.

Lilly does not waste time talking and let’s fly with her laser rifle.  The team shoot back with all they have.

Lilly’s laser rifle slices into Lachlan’s leg before he has a chance to fire his own pistol.  He staggers away to take cover down the corridor before collapsing to the ground with blood running heavily from the wound.

Dustie meanwhile has charged Lilly, hoping to get at her while she is focusing on Lachlan.  But Dustie has still not recovered from the previous encounter and is too slow.  Lilly turns her rifle onto Dustie and she also is wounded - he torso is shorted out and her positronic brain is about to shut down.  Dustie staggers in the same direction as Lachlan and collapses next to him.
Her work done, Lilly retires back the way she came.

By the time Lachlan and Dustie are found and subsequently healed sufficiently to do some investigation, all traces of the advanced artificial intelligence are gone.  Lachlan and Dustie have failed.


Although this took longer than expected to run through, it was fun. Even if they did not succeed (I don’t think any of my Larger Than Life-type plays have ended in success!). Onwards to modify the sheet to run through Classic Traveller adventure 02: Research Station Gamma.